Thursday 21 October 2010

wednesdays lesson we continued with the summary of our film that we are going to be filming the forst 2 minutes of it
mondays lesson we learned about the 3 main parts in making of a film which are pre-production production and post production after that we started to on a pitch we had to give to the class of our film idea

Sunday 17 October 2010

our lesson on wednesday we managed to get logged on to the macs and upload the footage from the camera to the macs ready to be edited but the lesson was tken up by the uploading of all the clips we had filmed so we couldnt start editing that lesson

Monday 11 October 2010

today in our lesson we had 2 hours 1 hour to film our prelim task and upload it to the macs and the 2nd hour to start editting it we managed to get the filming finished but when it came to uploading the footage to the macs neither of us could get signed into the macs so we went to seek the i.t techs but the guy who deal with the macs wasnt in so we couldnt get signed in and upload our footage

Sunday 10 October 2010

In our lesson on Wednesday, we watched the opening 3 minutes of the film Wrong Turn. We had to tae notes about the visual and audio techniques from the 3 minutes.

The audio effects in the opening of Wrong Turn were mainly the tempo of the music. The sounds get louder and louder as the danger gets closer.
At the beggining of the film, the music was orchestral and has a loud drumming every 10ish seconds. The most noticable instrument you hear is the violin.

The sounds in the opening minutes are much louder than they are in reality. This makes the audience jump when watching because they do not expect it to be so loud. For example, when she got the knife out to cut the rope the noise of it coming out of her bag was much louder.

There are also lots of different visual effects used in the opening minutes of the film.
At the beginning of the film, the camera shot is a birds eye shot because this shows what danger they are in because they are so high up.
Also, they use the point of view shot for example when her boyfriend is killed and the blood falls on her face, you get a close up of her face and you can tell she is terrified and that automatically makes the audience terried.

Other sots used are low and high shots when the boy gets to the top of the cliff, this tries to show he has more power than the woman because he gets to the top before her.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

in our lesson today we watched the first 5 minutes of 3 different horror films which were jeepers creepers (2001) jeepers creepers 2 (2003) and dead wood (2007)